Give The Black & Silver a fair go
(Craig's column wasn't published by a major newspaper in time for the Flag Consideration Panel's 1 September decision of four flag...
Official Information Act request to the Minister responsible for the Flag Consideration Panel
Many supporters of the Black & Silver flag design raised concerns about how the Black & Silver flag could have been overlooked by the...

Southern Cross 'like Confederate flag'
(Original article can be found here) We have a saying in Maoridom that, when faced with a tough decision, we invoke our ancestors. The...

Taking a leaf from Canada's flag debate
Will we get a political doodle for a flag, a celebrity-driven choice, or a timeless icon, asks Grant McLachlan. (Original article can be...

Flag debate is 'an opportunity for New Zealand'
(This article can be founder here.) For probably the only time ever, New Zealanders will soon get the chance to choose a uniquely New...